首页 > 大学英语四六级 > 考试分值 > 6月15日英语四级考试作文答案解析!大学体育设施对外开放意见


2024-06-15 14:31  ·   冯晓婷  ·   来源:天穆网







As a student of our university, I have been deeply engaged in the ongoing debate on whether our sports facilities should be opened to the public. This is a complex issue that requires a careful balancing of the interests of both students and the wider community.

Firstly, I must acknowledge the benefits that come with opening up our sports facilities. It would allow for greater community integration, fostering a sense of unity between the university and its neighbors. Furthermore, it could potentially generate additional revenue for the university, which could then be used to maintain and improve our facilities.

However, there are also several valid concerns that must be addressed. Chiefly, there is the issue of safety. With more people using the facilities, there is an increased risk of accidents or injuries. Additionally, there could be a conflict of interest between students and the public during peak usage hours.

In my opinion, the key is to find a balance. We should open up our facilities to the public during non-peak hours, ensuring that students have priority access during their scheduled classes and free time. Additionally, strict safety measures should be implemented to mitigate the risk of accidents.

In conclusion, I believe that opening up our sports facilities to the public has the potential to bring great benefits to both the university and the community, but it must be done in a way that ensures the safety and convenience of our students.


As a student who frequently utilizes our university's sports facilities, I have a vested interest in the ongoing discussion about whether they should be opened to the public.

On one hand, I can see the merits of such a move. It would not only allow members of the community to enjoy the excellent facilities that we have, but it could also help foster a closer relationship between the university and the surrounding area.

However, I also have some concerns. Firstly, there is the issue of overcrowding. If the facilities become too popular with the public, it could mean that students are unable to use them when they need to. Secondly, there is the potential for misuse or damage to the facilities by non-students.

My suggestion would be to implement a system of timed access. For example, during peak hours when students are most likely to be using the facilities, they should be restricted to students only. However, during non-peak hours, the facilities could be opened up to the public. This way, we can ensure that students have priority access while still allowing the community to enjoy our facilities.

In summary, I believe that there are both advantages and disadvantages to opening up our sports facilities to the public. However, with careful planning and consideration, we can find a way to balance these interests and create a win-win situation for both students and the community.


As our university considers the prospect of opening its sports facilities to the public, I believe it is essential to examine both the potential benefits and drawbacks of such a move.

On the positive side, sharing our facilities with the community could strengthen the bond between our institution and the surrounding area. It could also help raise the university's profile, attracting more potential students and partners. Furthermore, the additional revenue generated could be used to further improve our facilities.

However, there are also some significant concerns. Chiefly, there is the potential for overcrowding, especially during peak hours. This could lead to dissatisfaction among students who may find it difficult to access the facilities when they need them. Additionally, there are safety considerations to be taken into account, such as the increased risk of accidents or injuries with more people using the facilities.

To mitigate these concerns, I suggest implementing a reservation system that gives students priority access during peak hours. Additionally, strict safety measures should be enforced to ensure the well-being of all users.

In conclusion, while there are both advantages and disadvantages to opening our sports facilities to the public, I believe that with careful planning and implementation, we can create a system that benefits both students and the community.